Junckers Limited - Specifying Sustainable Flooring – a RIBA-approved CPD by Junckers

The Specifying Sustainable Flooring CPD presentation provides candidates with a good understanding of the role solid hardwood flooring can play in sustainable building design and how specifying the correct wooden floor, a carbon neutral material, can produce a measurable reduction in global warming. The CPD includes the use of sustainable flooring in net zero carbon builds, shows how a product with a long life cycle has a positive impact on the environment, how wood keeps CO2 out of the atmosphere and contributes a healthy indoor climate. Hosted on ribacpd.com Specifying Sustainable Flooring is available in person, as a webinar or on-demand.

Wood is naturally low in embodied carbon, a renewable resource that does not produce waste or pollution. At Junckers, we are committed to manufacturing solid hardwood flooring that stays true to nature, without adding chemicals or any other materials. Caring for the environment is central to our business, and always has been. As far back as the 1930s when the company was founded, Flemming Juncker replanted trees to ensure forests were thriving - an environmentalist before his time. Specifying a Junckers floor represents one step on the way to net zero carbon buildings. Our aim is to simplify the specification process as far as possible and we have completed EPDs for our floors, adding to the environmental credentials we already have in place. In addition to solid hardwood flooring, we produce and range of professional floor finishes and floor maintenance products, designed to maintain hardwood floors. Junckers is a leading manufacturer in sports and dance floors. All our floors are guaranteed for use over underfloor heating systems, and sports floors are designed to accommodate retractable seating and perform to the highest levels of BS EN14904.

RIBA Core Curriculum:

Design, construction and technology

Sustainable architecture


Mon, Feb 19, 2024 1:49 PM
Junckers Limited


Junckers launches new RIBA approved CPD
Junckers launches new RIBA approved CPD

Junckers has launched a new RIBA approved CPD, Specifying Sustainable Flooring. The presentation...


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