Plan to revolutionise UK housing with Modern Methods of Construction revealed

Latest News Mon, Sep 23, 2024 5:47 AM

The Construction Leadership Council (CLC) and the Supply Chain Sustainability School have published a groundbreaking report aimed at addressing the housing crisis through Modern Methods of Construction (MMC).

The report lays out key policy recommendations designed to accelerate the adoption of MMC and deliver high-quality, affordable homes at scale.

Image: Ten Degrees - HTA Design

The report’s development was led by the CLC Housing Working Group’s Smart Construction Sub-Group, which includes representatives from:

  • Housing providers
  • Architects
  • Local authorities
  • MMC suppliers and manufacturers
  • Trade and professional bodies
  • Homes England
  • The Greater London Authority (GLA)
  • The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS)

The report proposes a series of long-term policy goals for the Labour Government to consider, including the creation of a dedicated MMC Taskforce. This taskforce, once convened, would be responsible for developing a comprehensive MMC strategy within six months. The strategy would focus on:

  • Improving productivity in housing construction
  • Enhancing speed of delivery and reducing outturn costs
  • Lowering embodied carbon in construction materials and processes
  • Maximising societal benefits through local employment and skills development

The report identifies MMC as a key solution to the UK’s housing shortage, proposing that the adoption of MMC could counter the current 225,000-person skills gap in construction. With the ability to rapidly scale up housing delivery to meet demand for 300,000 - 500,000 homes annually, MMC offers a pathway to reversing decades of stagnation in the sector, which has seen construction productivity lag behind most other UK industries.

Drawing on international case studies from countries including Australia, China and Japan, the report emphasises the need for high-level, published MMC targets that link both quantity and quality outcomes. It calls on the UK Government to implement clear, achievable goals that provide the construction industry with the certainty it needs to invest in MMC innovation and growth.

The report also supports the National Housing Federation’s call for new towns and settlements to include a mix of housing tenures, with MMC prioritised for its ability to rapidly deliver high-quality, sustainable homes.

The CLC is urging the Government to adopt their recommendations, particularly the creation of the MMC Taskforce, as a matter of urgency. By doing so, the UK can tackle its housing shortage, address the construction skills crisis, and deliver environmentally sustainable housing at scale.

Rory Bergin, Partner at Sustainable Futures said: "To meet the Government’s target of delivering 1.5 million new homes by 2029, we need to double housing output and remove barriers that limit productivity. MMC is a key part of this strategy, and the sector has invested heavily in it. Now is the time to build on that progress, modernise housing delivery, and release the benefits of increased productivity, sustainability, and quality."

Access the full report here.

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