Solid wood floor for Scotland’s first Passivhaus primary school

Education Thu, Sep 5, 2024 2:27 PM

Designed by Architype who acted both as Architect and Passivhaus Designer, Riverside Primary School in Perth & Kinross is the first in Scotland to be built to the Passivhaus standard.

The new building provides better thermal comfort and ventilation with lower emissions and operational costs.

All materials were carefully chosen for their performance and ability to create a warm, natural environment.

Natural, non-toxic materials including Junckers’ solid wood flooring, create a high-quality finish that also enhances wellbeing for students and staff.

Solid wood floor for Scotland’s first Passivhaus primary school

An ideal surface for Passivhaus buildings, Junckers SylvaSport Beech flooring carries the Danish Indoor Climate label, certifying there are no chemical substances that will adversely affect indoor air quality.

Beech is a light-coloured timber species which helps to maximise natural light levels by reflecting light into the hall, reducing the need for artificial lighting. In contrast to a dark surface which holds heat and consequently reflects it back into the room, a pale-coloured floor will not contribute to overheating, reducing the energy demand on air cooling systems.

As public buildings, schools are expected to experience decades or even centuries of use. Specifying materials with a proven long lifespan not only means lower life cycle costs, it can also contribute substantially to lower embodied carbon emissions.

A Junckers floor can be expected to last well over the 60+ year design life standard. Made in solid wood, it can be sanded and refinished up to ten times without loss of performance. With 12- year intervals between sandings, it is arguably one of the longest lasting flooring options available and will comfortably exceed the industry standard.

Project Architect Sam Boyle noted: “We specified Junckers flooring systems at Riverside Primary School due to its environmental credentials, durability of its sports floor systems and its high-quality aesthetic. The finished installed system worked holistically with the colour and material palette for the school interior, creating a calm, natural and bright school for generations to come.”

So far, the project has won the Learning Places Scotland Award: Innovation in Delivering a Sustainable Learning Space; and is shortlisted for a Scottish Design Award 2024.

The flooring was installed by Courtcraft. The main contractor was Robertson Construction.

In association with Junckers Limited

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