Buildings IOT to provide its smart building platforms across the UK and Europe

Latest News Tue, May 31, 2022 6:21 AM

To decarbonise buildings and help advance Net-Zero initiatives, US-based Buildings IOT has launched operations in the UK to serve the unique needs of building stakeholders in Europe.

Buildings IOT will market its IOT Jetstream smart building platform for building owners, managers, investors, contractors, and systems integrators located in the UK and across Europe.

Buildings IOT’s UK operation is led by Les Russell, Director of Business Development. Russell will be responsible for managing all key partner relationships, providing support, and expanding the profile of Buildings IOT within Europe.

“Smart building technologies have reached an inflection point of maturity and performance, with speed to impact and a tangible ROI,” explains Russell, who has spent the last five years in the smart buildings industry. “The UK market is ripe with opportunity, thanks to the country's concerns over carbon reduction, indoor air quality, and financial due diligence requirements. The UK's goal to reach Net-Zero by 2050 is also a major driver of demand for proven solutions, including those from companies like Buildings IOT, that hold decades of domain expertise in both building infrastructure and platform technologies. I’m thrilled to be part of a team that recognises the UK as a global leader in sustainability and environmental consciousness, setting a high benchmark in energy efficiency standards for buildings.”

The Buildings IOT UK team will be seeking opportunities in several London-based commercial buildings, including office and manufacturing, to improve the occupant experience as well as realise overall operational efficiencies. The company will work through key partners who have clients with specific requirements related to meeting ESG [environment, social, and governance] goals, in addition to addressing energy efficiency, sustainability, indoor air quality, security, and other operational considerations.

“We’re happy to have Les on our team. His strong commercial background and business acumen made him a perfect fit,” notes Gina Elliott, Chief Services Officer of Buildings IOT. “In his last role, Les identified Buildings IOT as a company to assist with a high-profile customer and a bespoke request around data optimisation. His belief in the Buildings IOT solution and understanding of what the UK market needed made it seem natural to bring Les on board.”

There are approximately 1.7 million commercial, industrial, and public properties in the UK. According to University College London’s UCL Energy Institute, buildings are a significant contributor to climate change and are responsible for 23 percent of all direct and indirect carbon emissions in the UK.

“Owning and operating a Net Zero building requires comprehensive and consistent data to enable ESG reporting. Building owners need the right tools to properly report their properties' Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions,” adds Russell. IOT Jetstream from Buildings IOT provides the transparency building owners and managers need to accurately report emissions. This serves to reduce a building's carbon footprint and ultimately helps to protect our environment.”

Buildings IOT will be growing its European presence and adding engineers and customer success agents to its UK team. The company continues to practice Agile development, encouraging its partners and customers to contribute to its smart building platform roadmap.

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