Sika-Trocal membrane ideal for complex roof installation

Health Fri, Aug 2, 2019 10:50 AM

Completed in two phases, the extension to Fieldhead in Wakefield, West Yorkshire – run by South West Yorkshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust - was built to provide additional patient accommodation and care. The project’s first phase was completed in July 2017.

It involved the installation of Sika-Trocal’s Type ‘S’ waterproof system across a 2,000m2 area of roofing. The 2mm-thick, mechanically fastened, single-ply membrane’s renowned adaptability was ideal for the task, as it had to cover a number of intricate roofing details.

Selected on behalf of Interserve Construction to install the waterproofing, FCB Roofing installed the slate grey Type ‘S’ membrane to 400mm-thick tapered insulation. This accommodated the roof’s intricate multi-directional design and its various falls. For the roof’s 2-metre verticals and curved areas, Sika-Trocal parapet trim provided a crisp, uniform finish.

Sika-Trocal membrane ideal for complex roof installation

The waterproofing aspect of the project’s first phase was completed to deadline, which meant patients were able to occupy a good proportion of the hospital’s new building without delay.

Waterproofing work on the project’s second phase began in September 2017. The new building’s entrance presented a different challenge for installers, with its fan-style, five-tier roof. Again, the Type ‘S’ system’s malleability proved crucial in overcoming an application of such complexity. The remaining 2,000m2 area of roofing was completed to the agreed deadline: September 2018.

Tony Comrie, Contracts Director at FCB Roofing, said: “I don’t know of any membrane that would have been suitable for this project, other than the Sika-Trocal Type ‘S’. It helped simplify a challenging installation. Its flexibility was essential to the waterproofing being finished on time and to the highest standard.”

Fieldhead’s refurbished unit is now fully-operational, with patients benefiting from its additional accommodation and treatment facilities. The Sika-Trocal Type ‘S’ system’s flexible, watertight properties ensured this superb facility’s waterproof roofing was swiftly and stylishly delivered, bringing total peace of mind and comfort for its many occupants.

In association with Sika Trocal

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