Fixing key issues – the benefits of ‘going keyless’ in gyms and spas

Hotel, Sport & Leisure Mon, Jul 8, 2024 11:30 AM

Gym, hotel, and spa lockers are a common source of customer complaints, which are increasing due to the cost-conscious atmosphere created by the current cost-of-living crisis. Steve Newman, European Sales Manager at Codelocks, explains how modern, feature-rich locking solutions can improve the customer experience while also saving time, effort, and lost revenue.

Although gyms and spas are incredibly popular, with up to one-third of the UK population potentially having a wellness membership, the cost-of-living crisis is having an impact. Consumers are more cautious with their discretionary spending, and as a consequence have become more demanding. This cost-conscious atmosphere has led to a rise in negative consumer reviews according to Trustpilot, and most consumers will cancel their membership if standards aren’t met.

At the same time, cost-conscious gyms, spas, and hotels must find ways to save money and time. They must deliver a high-quality customer experience, while juggling this with the competing pressure of improving efficiency.

Many gym, spa, and hotel changing rooms – specifically lockers – can be an area that suffers when it comes to customer experience. It is not uncommon to find a number of lockers to be ‘out of action’. In luxury spas, gyms, and high-end hotels, such an experience will almost certainly generate negative reviews. The time it takes firefighting the issue is also a waste of leisure facilities managers’ valuable time.

Fortunately, modern, simple, and effective access control solutions can reverse this drain on resources and transform customers’ experiences.

Leaving lost keys behind saves time and headaches

Lost keys are the scourge of the locker room. They render gym and spa facilities unusable because guests have nowhere to store their belongings. They also take staff away from their regular duties as they try to find the keys or fix the situation – a waste of their time that could have knock-on effects on things like classes or personal training sessions.

In the Hyatt Regency gym and spa, lost keys were such an issue that at one time only 10 out of 75 lockers were usable. It is fortunate that this gym and spa was attached to a large, popular, and well-known hotel chain. Without it, there could have been more severe consequences. It is only a rough and ready estimate, but if a gym and spa could only operate with 13% of its capacity, and potentially just 13% of its members, it is highly unlikely it would stay open for long. The potential cost of revenue lost because of keys is clear.

A key solution to this scenario is to leave lost keys behind and switch to a keyless, coded lock that doesn’t require members to look after a key while they have a massage or lift weights.

Coded access locks, such as the KitLock KL1000 Classic, enable users to simply enter a four-digit code into the keypad, lock it and go. Their belongings are stored safely, and there’s no need for anything physical that could be lost and prevent access down the line. Re-entering their code once they’re finished, enables gym and spa users to unlock the lock, automatically resetting and erasing the code ready for the next user.

Gym or spa managers don’t need to worry about forgotten codes either – using coded locks doesn’t mean deflecting a problem only for it to reappear somewhere else. Coded locks come with technician or maintenance codes that allow staff to override any lock and gain access. Some locks, such as the KL1000 G3 KitLock, come with a master key override too.

On top of this, many coded locks come with automatic unlocking which can be pre-programmed for specific times such as closing time. This helps to ensure that any belongings in lockers that gym or spa members may have forgotten about can be emptied for use the next day. The versatility of coded locks ensure that the locker is ready to be used in the morning in the normal way. It also prevents users from ‘reserving’ a locker and ensures an equal and enhanced experience for all users.

Automatic unlocking can be programmed to coincide with a cleaning schedule too. For hundreds of locks in a gym or hotel spa, that equates to a large amount of time saved for cleaning staff repeatedly inputting codes. This makes their jobs easier and their cleaning more efficient, helping to ensure clean and hygienic changing rooms that maintain customer satisfaction.

Unlocking holistic benefits

In the wellness world you often hear talk of the ‘holistic benefits’ of a workout or a treatment. When it comes to specifying locks, the approach should be the same. Doing away with keys and using coded locks has a wealth of holistic benefits. Guests get a better experience. Staff can focus on their roles. Cleaning can be more efficient. And facilities need not run at a reduced capacity because lockers are out of order.

Explore the features and benefits of the KitLock by Codelocks range in full:

In association with Codelocks International Ltd

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