Sundeala Eco pin boards and notice boards

Sustainability Tue, Mar 22, 2016 5:07 PM

Sundeala offer an extensive range of recycled products all made from waste paper.

The main source of supply is through national distributors and contractors for specialist fit-outs however individual needs are met for bespoke products especially for the sport, and leisure industries, as well as commercial contracts.

This includes the Flame Retardant (FRB) range which is an important element when having to meet the Building Regulations in fire critical areas.

Sundeala is committed to recycling. Its environmentally sustainable board is almost 100% recycled and meets all UK corporate, government and local authority environmental policy statements.

Old newspapers and office waste are re-processed into Sundeala boards. The 24-hour Sundeala facility produces 0.3 million boards each year – that’s the equivalent of processing approximately 110 million newspapers or 4,000 tons of waste newspaper per annum.

As each ton represents around three cubic metres of landfill space, that’s a saving of 12,000 cubic metres a year.