Quadrant carpets Bennetts Associates' amazing Bexley Civic Offices

Public Sector Wed, Mar 23, 2016 9:57 AM

Quadrant Carpets has supplied 8640m2 of carpet tiles from its Coordinate Series 1 collection, for the Bennetts Associates' inspired refurbishment of a 1980s building for the London Borough of Bexley in Bexleyheath.

The reshaped offices represent the embodiment of the council's ‘New Ways of Working' strategy, which has relocated all council staff and members to the new Civic Offices.

Now complete, this major refurbishment accommodates 1,250 employees across four floors of reconfigured work space, as well as a purpose-built extension housing the democratic facilities. It pulls all elements of the council's activities together into one efficient site fit for a modern and progressive civic headquarters. Quadrant Carpets was delighted to work with the architect again and this project required a very specific brief. Bennetts Associates' chosen combination had to achieve certain criteria; overall colour matching with the design concept, heavy traffic capabilities, cost effectiveness and BRE ‘A' rating.

Selecting 7225m2 of Balance Lupus and 1415m2 of Elements Nero, allowed the designer to create subtle variations across the floor to emphasise the distinct work zones. The Council has not only reshaped the way it uses office space, but has also created a more people centric environment.

Martin Chrzan, Sales Director, Quadrant Carpets stated: "We are working with more architects where projects are about reimagining the work environment, to improve staff well being and productivity. Carpet is a distinctive element in any office redesign, as it tends to ‘go down and stay down'. The choice of Balance Lupus and Elements Nero work brilliantly in the environment Bennetts Associates has created."

Created in 12 colour-ways, the Balance range folder is available to order now. The Elements range is available in 27 colour-ways.