University key worker family housing designs approved

Public Sector Wed, Mar 23, 2016 9:56 AM

Architectural proposals for key worker and market housing on the North West Cambridge Development were approved today by the local planning authorities.  

The collaborative design by Cottrell and Vermeulen, Sarah Wigglesworth Architects, and AOC, comprises 70 key worker and market homes which respond to the changing landscape within the development, with five-storey buildings that lead from the new local centre, Eddington, to the lower density family housing within the new area named Ridgeway Village.

The proposals support family life with two shared courtyards, thresholds and sensitive landscaping around the Veteran Oak Gardens, which is a historical boundary marker and unique landmark within the development.

Roger Taylor, Project Director for the North West Cambridge Development said: “The collaborative architectural designs by Cottrell and Vermeulen, Sarah Wigglesworth Architects, and AOC, are characterful and responsive to their location within the site.  

"They demonstrate how the masterplan ideals of quality architecture and vibrant street life will be implemented as future residents move from the local centre into the more residential neighbourhoods within the site. We are delighted that the local authorities are supportive of the proposals for the lower density homes.”

The buildings have been designed to the Code for Sustainable Homes Level 5 and to meet Lifetime Homes standard.

Works on the North West Cambridge Development infrastructure will start in 2014 with phased completions from 2016.