District heating network partner on board

Public Sector Wed, Mar 23, 2016 9:56 AM

The University of Cambridge has awarded Vital Energi Utilities Limited the £2.98m contract for the design, supply and installation of the main spine of the district heating pipe network for the first phase of the North West Cambridge Development.

A centralised energy centre with the district heating network will distribute heat energy to the 3,000 homes on the development site and will extend to 6km and provide 20MW of heating when all phases are complete.

The pipeline between the Energy Centre and the Phase One building lot boundaries extends for some 2.35km. Phase One works commenced in July 2014 and the completion of the installation of the spine main is due in December 2014. The spine mains will remain dormant (nitrogen filled) for construction purposes until final testing and commissioning commences

Gavin Heaphy, Construction Director for the North West Cambridge Development said “The district heating network for the development is a major investment in the infrastructure for the site and an essential part of the energy strategy.  

"The network aims to reduce the energy wastage, helping us to achieve the Code for Sustainable Homes Level 5 and the broader site-wide project ambitions to be an exemplar of sustainable living.  The award to Vital Energi for the network is an important part of achieving these aims.”  

Gary Fielding, Managing Director of Vital Energi said: “What is being created in the North West Cambridge Development is the very definition of a sustainable development.

"By harnessing the power of district heating, and other sustainable energy sources, the University of Cambridge is demonstrating their commitment to the environment, the area and the people who will be living and studying there. It’s a project we’re immensely proud to be involved in and the district heating network will contribute to lower energy costs and C0â‚‚ emissions for decades to come.”

The University is currently seeking to conclude the energy centre fit out tender award by the end of September 2014.