Howe Green is up to speed at Adams Place

Public Sector Wed, Mar 23, 2016 9:53 AM

Howe Green’s involvement with Crossrail is gaining momentum as the specialist UK manufacturer works to provide easy access to building services at various sites, including those at Canary Wharf.

At Adams Place on the approach to Canary Wharf, a series of large linear brick planters spanning over 4m2 each is under construction. They will house contemporary LED lighting designed to add to the dynamics of the area’s striking urban landscape. Howe Green worked with the external stone contractor Szerelmey Ltd, to develop a bespoke wall access cover encasing power supplies and circuitry feeding the lights and ensuring ongoing access for maintenance is quick and easy. The stylish wall access covers are manufactured from 5mm stainless steel, as opposed to 1.5mm for the standard Waldor. These custom-made covers are lockable for added security and feature a broad show edge creating maximum aesthetic contrast against the smooth, glazed planters.

Howe Green’s 1050 Series stainless steel floor access covers have also been manufactured to order for the walkways of Adams Place, each with an additional load bearing specified to accommodate the latest in aerial high-rise fire fighting appliances. Inside the station itself, over 30 of Howe Green’s 5000 series stainless steel floor access covers have been installed within Canary Wharf’s ticket hall and back of house for easy access to essential services.

“Howe Green is perfectly placed to meet the evolving challenges of major projects like Crossrail.” said Richard Centa, Howe Green’s Sales and Marketing Manager. “Our skilled workforce and ongoing investment in plant and technology means we can supply tailored designs and individual specs to solve unique access problems from site to site without having to charge any premium”.