College transformed following £6m construction project

Public Sector Wed, Mar 23, 2016 9:54 AM

South Staffordshire College has reached another milestone in its rich history, paving the way to a bright future for its learners and staff after contractor G F Tomlinson completed a £6 million project.

The keys to the college’s £6million transformed, state-of-the-art Cannock Campus were officially handed over to South Staffordshire College’s chief executive principal Graham Morley and his Senior Leadership Team by Nick Banks, construction director for contractor G F Tomlinson, in a ceremony to mark the occasion.

The new resources at Cannock Campus will give South Staffordshire College one of the most exciting and progressive social and learning environments in the country, offering cutting edge technology to learners.

Learners can take advantage of dedicated areas around the campus, including My Space, a community space/café where they can use iPhone, iPads and tablets to surf the net, work or just chill out.  Open to the general public, the food will be high quality cuisine from around the world, served by an international catering company.

Graham Morley was delighted to receive the key to the building. He said: "South Staffordshire College has taken a further step on its journey to success. "The facilities at Cannock Campus really are outstanding and the future of learning has now definitely arrived at South Staffordshire College."

Nick Banks, construction director at G F Tomlinson, said: “We are extremely proud to have completed this project which has undoubtedly transformed the campus at South Staffordshire College.

“The new striking atrium is the main focal point of the improved site, featuring a glass roof and spiral staircase. The rest of the campus is equally state-of-the-art creating a fantastic teaching and learning environment.

“It has been a real pleasure working with all stakeholders to deliver this exciting project and in particular with the college’s Senior Leadership Team.”