Salamander protects care home residents

Public Sector Wed, Mar 23, 2016 9:17 AM

A Salamander radio controlled fire door safety system that connects wirelessly to a controller wired into the existing fire alarm system has been successfully installed at the Emmaus Trust Care Home in Cumbria to legally hold open fire doors, closing them in the event of a fire emergency to protect residents and staff.
The system, comprising of 25 Salamander battery operated fire door closers, three booster units and one controller was installed at the care home by approved Geofire installer Castle Alarms.

Closers fitted to Resident’s bedroom doors, and set to the ‘free-swing’ mode, allow each resident to have their bedroom door open in whichever position they desire, whilst making door operation light and easy.

In the event of a fire alarm, the doors close on receipt of a radio signal from a number of hardwired control panels strategically positioned around the building.

Cumbria Emmaus Trust Chairman George Wells says: "The replacement of the batteries is straight-forward and their long-term cost significantly lower than a hard wired system and the resultant additional disruption to the building fabric. Overall, Cumbria Emmaus Trust is satisfied with the system and the way the installation was completed by Castle Alarms."
Each Salamander battery operated device connects wirelessly to a mains-powered controller unit radio, which is easily connected to the existing fire alarm system, complying with Category A of BS7273-4 to ensure that fire doors will safely close in the event of a fault or fire. One controller unit can manage up to 99 fire door closers or fire door holders.

Geofire’s Salamander range of radio controlled fire door safety products are all battery-powered and wire-free, thus saving time, installation costs and disruption to a building’s fabric or occupants