Public Sector Wed, Mar 23, 2016 9:55 AM

Low surface temperature radiators have been part of the heating landscape for several years now, but modern versions from Stelrad offer a number of new benefits. LST radiators are key where there is a need for special heat emitters especially those that need to meet NHS Guidance for ‘Safe Hot Water and surface temperature’ – in hospitals, care and nursing homes, doctors and dentists surgeries as well as sheltered housing, schools and nurseries. It’s a specification requirement of building designers and architects that the heat emitters in these buildings protect the young, the elderly and the vulnerable, who will live in or visit buildings such as these.

When asking whether LST radiators are needed, you only need to consider the risk of in particular, older people falling and injuring themselves on a radiator along with potential dangers from those with a visual impairment bumping into or brushing against radiators. Some elderly people have a reduced sensitivity to high temperatures and others simply cannot react quickly enough to prevent injury from hot surfaces if they inadvertently touch and come into contact with a conventional radiator, where surface temperatures may be as high as 75°C. And of course, the injuries that are possible to the very young are too horrific to contemplate, so it’s clear that serious burns can be caused very quickly at these temperatures and that LST radiators are the clear response to the dangers.

Incorporating a casing that covers the radiator providing a physical barrier between the heat emitter and the people they are designed to keep warm, makes huge sense, and in most LST radiators, the casing also covers the incoming pipework making sure all the heated surfaces are concealed and that any exposed surfaces stay at a safe temperature of no more than 43°C.

For more information, contact Stelrad by calling on 0844 543 6200 or visit www.stelrad.com.