Hush Acoustics: Hard wood flooring replaces carpet in apartment

Public Sector Wed, Mar 23, 2016 9:57 AM

A 4 month refurbishment project has been completed by Hush Acoustics in a block of apartments in Kensington, London.

The client wanted to replace their existing carpet with a more modern timber flooring in the apartment but the lease dictated that a change in floor finish was not permitted due to potential sound transmission to neighbouring properties.

Hush Acoustics were called in to solve this problem and specified Hush Mat 15 as the acoustic underlay for the project. This allowed the carpet to be removed and a timber floor to be installed. Hush Mat 15 decoupled the hard floor from the existing floor structure. The floor construction consisted of: Hardwood floor finish 15mm, Hush Mat 15 acoustic underlay, existing timber structural deck and existing ceiling.

Hush Acoustics carried out Sound Testing before and after the works were carried out. The results confirmed that the treatment proposed by Hush showed an improvement in both Impact and Airborne acoustic performance. This satisfied the leaseholder and the management company and allowed a timber floor finish to be installed. This is a very common problem within multi-occupancy buildings and Hush Acoustics provide solutions to treat it.

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