EasiLume’s LEDs fit the bill for Focus School

Public Sector Wed, Mar 23, 2016 9:18 AM

EasiLume has just completed an LED lighting project for the Focus Learning Trust School at Stoke Poges.

Commissioned by Atlas Solutions Ltd, EasiLume designed, supplied and managed the complete lighting project as part of the refurbishment of the school.

The school was fitted throughout with LED lights, using LED panels and fittings from EasiLume’s Cavona and Loreo ranges. Atlas Solutions chose EasiLume for its extensive range of LED products, ideal in a varied school environment.

The lighting is fully controllable and at least 50% more efficient than conventional lighting. LEDs save on both energy and maintenance costs – a significant economy for the school over the years. As well as providing more lumens for fewer watts, a lifespan of up to 100,000 hours means maintenance costs are slashed too. The Focus Learning Trust can expect to save around 50% on its current bills.

But it’s not just economy which makes LED lighting ideal for the Focus Learning Trust. The ill effects of flickering fluorescent lights have been recognised for years. Studies suggest children who spend too much time studying under poor quality lighting and missing out on natural light are more likely to develop myopia. Quality LEDs in a well-planned, evenly distributed lighting design minimise those health risks. They give a light closer to natural daylight, increasing comfort and productivity throughout the day, helping the students to concentrate.

The school environment is perfect for LED lighting as each area can tailor the system to its needs. The installation is versatile, dimmable and fully controllable, easily integrated into smart technology. Instant-on lighting can be paired with motion sensors, so it’s only on when needed. Individuals can have complete control of their surroundings. The enormous potential of LEDs for saving energy becomes clear with a simple calculation: If everyone in Europe switched to LED, it would save the equivalent amount of energy produced by 10 nuclear power stations.