Housing association turns to renewable energy solution

Public Sector Wed, Mar 23, 2016 9:57 AM

Housing association Golding Homes, which provides affordable homes to people living in mid Kent, has contracted Sussex-based central heating specialist BSW Building Services to fit air source heat pumps and solar thermal panels in 27 of its properties.  

Air source heat pumps provide clean and efficient heating by extracting solar energy from the air. Using the same amount of paid-for electricity, they generate up to four times more heat than the electric storage heaters currently used by Golden Homes’ tenants. This potentially slashes energy bills by up to 40%, resulting in huge savings.

What’s more, air source heat pump’s efficient use of electricity significantly reduces – by approximately 50% - a property’s carbon footprint.  

BSW will also maintain and service Golding Homes’ 27 new air source heat pumps, keeping tenants warm and comfortable throughout what could be a turbulent year weather-wise.  

Eddie Karst, Projects Surveyor at Golding Homes comments: “We have found that air source heat pumps bring affordable warmth to residents in our rural homes. This project is part of our extensive programme to improve home energy efficiency and we look forward to seeing positive results.”

“Air source heat pumps are cost efficient to run,” explains James Cordner, Renewables Manager at BSW. “This means people can afford to heat their homes whenever they need to without worrying about big energy bills. This makes a big difference to those affected by fuel poverty.”