Work starts on new affordable homes

Public Sector Tue, Mar 22, 2016 5:28 PM

Leading developer Westleigh Partnership Homes will build 90 new affordable homes across three developments by the end of the year.

Addressing the demand for local housing needs, Westleigh Partnership Homes will provide Nuneaton and Bedworth will 90 new homes as a result of working in partnership with several registered providers and alongside Nuneaton & Bedworth Borough Council.

The three new Westleigh Developments sites, one of which is already complete, will take up circa £2 million of government-backed funding. Provided through the through the Home’s and Communities Agency’s (HCA) Affordable Housing Programme, all 90 new homes will address the need for local housing.

Newcomen Road in Bedworth was completed in summer 2013 and has provided a mix of properties for 28 families with links to the local area. Built in partnership with Waterloo Housing the new homes have transformed disused land into a thriving new community.  

Nuneaton is also set to have two new developments in place next year, with Westleigh building in partnership with Midland Heart. Queen Elizabeth Road is currently under construction and will transform formerly derelict land into a 45 home development consisting of one and two bedroom apartments, along with two and four bedroom houses. A third scheme currently being worked up for a planning application will provide 17 homes.

Ian Jones, Business Development Director at Westleigh Partnership Homes, comments, “These 90 new homes have come to fruition as a result of great working partnerships. It has provided us with an opportunity for us to build a diverse mix of properties on several disused sites that would have otherwise lain dormant if it weren’t for the support of the Borough Council, funding from the Home’s and Communities Agency’s (HCA) Affordable Housing Programme, as well as private investment from the registered providers.

“We are very proud to not only provide much needed housing for local residents, but also create sustainable communities that transform the landscape and create new opportunities for the area.”

Westleigh Partnership Homes are now part of the Homes & Communities Agency Delivery Partner Panel on both the Midlands and Northern lots and work closely together with housing associations to build affordable new homes throughout the East Midlands, South Yorkshire and Cambridgeshire.