Spending a penny for free at St Pancras International

Public Sector Tue, Mar 22, 2016 5:17 PM

Brand new visitor toilet facilities at the UK’s best station, St Pancras International, have been unveiled.

The facilities will be completely free to use for all passengers and station visitors – a rarity at a London station.

The new toilets have been designed by Brunskill Design Architects to increase the capacity and in turn minimise then unnecessary movement between the toilet cubical and the integrated sink and drier unit, as the majority of passengers at the station have luggage and large bags with them.

Key features which HS1 Ltd hope will improve the customer experience include:

Nicola Shaw, chief executive at HS1 Ltd, commented: “We pride ourselves on creating the very best experience for visitors to St Pancras. We are delighted with the newly improved facilities, and importantly for our customers, they are free to use.

“The main design objective of the renovation was to provide toilets that are accessible to all users, using materials that create a welcoming ‘away from home’ environment as well as being sustainable.”

With approximately 48 million visitors every year, the team at HS1 Ltd (the station’s owners) are constantly looking at new and innovative ways to enhance the customer experience. The new toilets, located just off the Arcade, will maintain the high standards and cutting edge design that visitors to St Pancras International have come to expect.