IBI Nightingale’s Community Hospital rises from floods

Public Sector Tue, Mar 22, 2016 5:31 PM

Cockermouth’s local residents have started to benefit from their brand new Community Hospital and Health Centre in the heart of Cumbria, signalling new beginnings for a recovering community.

On the afternoon of November 19 2009, the rivers Derwent and Cocker burst their banks and flooded the Cumbrian town of Cockermouth, damaging homes, businesses and the local GP surgeries.

Following the flood, the GP surgeries were decanted into temporary portakabins on the local cottage hospital site to ensure continuity of care within the neighbourhood.

“As the extent of the damage was assessed, NHS Cumbria took the opportunity to review its health provision, deciding to create a new ‘joined-up’ service,” said Justin Harris, Architect and Studio Director at IBI Nightingale.

“This strategy inspired the new build Cockermouth Community Hospital and Health Centre, to be delivered utilising the Express LIFT framework by NHS Cumbria’s development partner eLIFT Cumbria Limited and designed to provide a 21st century environment for patients, families and staff.”

Responding directly to the local architectural vernacular, the new building is accessible and therapeutic.  Situated close to the town centre, users benefit from views over the beautiful Cumbrian countryside, and historic Cockermouth Castle.  

“The families have had nothing but positive comments about the new hospital ward,” said Andrea Hendren, Ward Sister for Cumbria Partnership NHS Foundation Trust who run the inpatient ward at Cockermouth Community Hospital and Health Centre. “The patients have settled in well and staff on the ward have said it’s a lovely environment, just like working in a private clinic.”

Designed and delivered in collaboration with eLIFT Cumbria Limited and Head Tenant Community Health Partnerships, the new building houses GP and dental practices, together with imaging and in-patient facilities. The layout of the new building promotes collaborative working between the different departments, through the use of flexible, multi-functional, spaces. This reflects an aspiration to promote an integrated healthcare model. The building achieved a BREEAM Excellent rating.

Gary Naylor, eLIFT Cumbria General Manager said: “After so many years working towards delivering this new development after the floods, we are delighted it is now open and to see the many benefits it is now bringing for the residents of Cockermouth and the staff who provide such excellent services from it.

"Everyone involved should be proud of their achievements in working together in partnership to deliver such a fantastic facility.”