Land sale enables council’s plans for growth

Public Sector Tue, Mar 22, 2016 5:33 PM

The recently completed sale of the HCA’s International House and Former Crouch’s Garage site will help pave the way for the Council to take forward bold plans for a comprehensive redevelopment of the area known as ‘the Commercial Quarter’ in Ashford to create 50,000 sq m of office space and around 3,300 new jobs.

The sale to the Council reinforces the HCA’s determination to ensure that the sale of Government property assets produces the best outcomes and benefits for local communities as well as returning a receipt for the public purse.

Naisha Polaine, Head of Area for Essex and Kent at the HCA said: "The HCA has worked closely with Ashford Borough Council in developing these exciting proposals for the Commercial Quarter and this sale will enable the Council to deliver these goals whilst at the same time fulfilling the HCA’s role of achieving receipts for the public purse."

Cllr Gerry Clarkson, Leader of Ashford Borough Council, said: “We are delighted to complete on the purchase of International House as it is critical to realising our ambition of delivering jobs and economic growth in the town.

"We must take advantage of our connections to London and Europe through HS1 which are an attractive factor to companies looking to invest here. This is a positive step in our plans for a commercial quarter in that area of the town and essential to the balanced growth of the town as a whole.

"Central government shares our view that the commercial quarter is vital to the town’s future and we are delighted to have secured such an important asset.”