A new park takes shape for Middlesbrough

Public Sector Tue, Mar 22, 2016 5:35 PM

A new park is beginning to take shape next to the Transporter Bridge in Middlesbrough’s historic heart.

The new linear park in Middlehaven is being built along Cleveland and Durham Streets and will strengthen connections between the Transporter Bridge and the modern town centre.

At the same time additional work is being carried out to clean up an old gas works which used to be on the site.

The £1.2 million Park will also provide a focus for the Urban Pioneers development of 14 serviced plots around the park and adjacent to the historic Captain Cook pub which is providing an opportunity for individuals or groups to build small schemes on a ‘build now pay later’ basis.

Chris Munro, Senior Area Manager at the Homes and Communities Agency said: “The Park and the Urban Pioneers scheme will help continue the transformation of Middlehaven, building on the development around the dock. Our investment in the park will ensure the quality of the community that will start to be built here in 2015.”

Councillor Charlie Rooney, Middlesbrough Council’s Executive Member for Regeneration, said: “The start of work on the new Urban Park is the next stage in the redevelopment of one of the most important regeneration sites in the region.

“Middlehaven will play a key role in the town’s future and the park will be a focal point for the Urban Pioneers initiative and the scheme as a whole.”

Initial work on the site has just started and the first phase of the park will be open in time for Christmas.