Fact not Fiction: Report launches the heat emitter for the future - the steel panel radiator

Sustainability Tue, Mar 22, 2016 4:56 PM

MARC, the Manufacturers Association of Radiators and Convectors, has released the findings of a pan-European report into radiators as a 21st Century heat source.

Aimed at assessing the future role of steel panel radiators in an evolving market, the report highlights that:

• Due to their flexibility, steel panel radiators and convectors are the best way of introducing energy-efficient heat generators into existing properties, with renovation and retro-fit accounting for in excess of 90% of the UK and other major western European markets.

• Steel panel radiators work well with low water temperatures, making them an ideal choice for eco-conscious developers and home owners.

• Steel panel radiators have quick reactions to temperature control, with small heat losses, meaning efficiency is not lost with long heat-up times. This is a benefit of the lower thermal mass of steel panel radiators.

• The total energy efficiency of steel panel radiator-heated buildings is excellent.

The myth-busting report was started by Rettig ICC’s research and development team, with support from a range of experts from Finland, Germany and Sweden*.

MARC chairman John Colling said: “During the last 60 years, most technologies have gone through revolutions. With steel panel radiators, it has been more evolution, with the introduction of the advanced welding technologies developed by radiator manufacturers in the 1980s, allowing convector panels to be welded directly onto the radiator waterways. The effect of this was to produce the same amount of heat output from radiators using less primary steel and water content, a major step forward in the drive for energy efficiency and carbon emissions.

“The reason for this is that steel panel radiators work very well and, in reality, nobody has found anything better. While other types of heating system have emerged as popular options, the steel panel radiator can compete on all levels and is still very much the number one choice, thanks to the evolution which has kept it up to speed with the needs of homeowners, legislation and trends such as the drive for a green economy.

“In excess of 85% of UK homes have steel panel radiators as the primary source of heat emission. I have no doubt that when these need replacing, it will be by radiators, not only steel panels, but the growing ranges of more fashionable and aspirational decorative radiators on the market. This is due to the flexibility, reaction time, energy efficiency and comfort provided by a properly fitted, system and the ability for manufacturers to meet the style demands of modern consumers.

“Myths such as steel panel radiators creating a stuffy atmosphere, or not providing thermal comfort throughout a room are simply that: myths.

“The information compiled in this report, with the assistance of some eminent European experts, shows the reality of steel panel radiators as the smart choice for heating homes is backed up by fact, not perception or myth.

“Typically, the average steel panel radiator costs circa £50 to £60, lasts 30 years and comes with a ten year manufacturers’ guarantee. Where else do you get value like that?

“In reality, the biggest consideration for a more efficient home is insulation and the correct fitting of a heating system.”

*Experts involved in the production of the report included Professor Dr Jarek Kurnitski (Helsinki University of Technology), Prof Dr Wolfgang Richter (Technical University Dresden), Prof Dr Sture Holmbeg (Royal Technical Academy of Sweden), Prof Dr Miimu Airaksinen (Finnish National Research Centre), Dr Martin Konzelmann (Wärmetechnische Prűfgesellschaft Berlin) and Tech Lic Mika Vuolle (EQUA Building Physics Simulations Finland Ltd).