Work begins on Town Centre Gardens revamp

Regeneration Tue, Mar 22, 2016 4:55 PM

Work to regenerate the Town Centre Gardens in Stevenage, which is being funded through a £1.77 million grant from the National Lottery Heritage Fund, will start later this month.     

The first phase of the regeneration works will be to the pond, which will be drained. The remaining fish will be removed to a temporary home in Bedfordshire and will be returned to the Gardens once the works have been completed. 

Work to the pond includes:

Since May 2009, when it was confirmed that Stevenage Borough Council had been successful in its application, designs have been finalised, technical specifications written, and prices sought for the extensive works to the Gardens.

Work is due for completion in April 2011. Information will be posted around the Gardens throughout the project and will be available through Chronicle and the Council web pages.

Cllr John Gardner, Deputy Leader of the Council, said, “I am sure that everyone will be pleased to see work underway on the redevelopment of Town Centre Gardens. We are all very keen to see the Gardens restored to their former glory. This is a very important project which I am sure will benefit everyone who lives or works in Stevenage.”