Thru…air® No Core Drilling. No Waste. No Fuss

Library Mon, Jan 18, 2021 5:09 PM

Maximising airflow performance and householder comfort (image G943-TR-sw)

With the ongoing improvements to building regulations and a focus on insulating homes for greater efficiency the need for ventilation can be overlooked. Adequate ventilation within the home is essential and has been shown to have positive impacts on the health and well-being of householders.

With unequalled geometric free airflow of up to 16,856mm2 Manthorpe's brand new build in, telescopic airbrick system is ideal for new builds and can be used with most ventilation systems including MVHR and MEV.

The versative design provides a ventilation outlet / inlet that can be used with a choice of 4, 5, or 6 inch standard pipes that connect to a single, double or triple Manthorpe Airbrick (G930). Thru...air allows for the ventilation terminal to be conveniently built into the brickwork during construction which eliminates the need for specialist equipment or retrospective core drilling.